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My First Web Page: Lesson 11: Adding Web Bluetooth Support: Talking to your TI LaunchPad

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Compasstech TI LaunchPad Tutorials

iTunes: WebBLE app for iOS



The TI LaunchPad boards are a great way for teachers and students to get started with coding within a real world context. Simple coding commands produce practical and immediate results, from blinking LEDs and controlling actions with buttons, to connecting to and controlling sensors, speakers, motors and more.

Follow the tutorial step-by-step directions to build and program your LaunchPad robot - and you can even use a TI-Innovator Hub or go the next step on and use the TI Innovator Hub Rover!

This utility by Daniel Loginov offers Web BlueTooth support for BLE-enabled MCU boards such as the TI LaunchPad, as developed in CompassTech STEM HQ LaunchPad tutorials.

This application uses TI LaunchPads, microcontroller development kits from Texas Instruments. They come in a variety of flavors to address various project needs. All LaunchPad kits include everything needed to begin developing applications in minutes, priced from $USD9.99 to $USD19.99. That's right - Blink LEDs and spin motors, all for less than $USD20. These units can be the basis for everything from simple coding to connecting a variety of sensors and other peripherals. They are easily programmed via USB from Mac or PC, and can be linked to BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) modules, and even wifi to send and receive data both locally and remotely.

We can now use Web Bluetooth to enable free and effective communication with these programmed boards, using the Chrome browser on Mac, Windows 10 (Chrome Canary), Android and ChromeBooks or WebBLE app for iOS! Coupled with the versatile mathematical capabilities and programmability of GeoGebra, students can control these boards remotely, using them to collect and analyse data, even to control BLE robots! Step-by-step tutorials lead from beginner to robotics developer!

If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with this utility, please drop me an email!



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Adding GeoGebra to the Mix

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Fancy a BLE LaunchPad Piano?

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Put everything together for a BLE Robot

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Home Live Mathematics and STEM on the Web My First Web Page: IntroductionLesson 11