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Getting Started with TI LaunchPads: Coding and Much More...
Introducing the TI LaunchPad Platform
Lesson 7 - Real world data at your fingertips: Light, Ultrasonic Motion and more...
Lesson 8 - Build your own BLE ultrasonic motion detector for under $USD30
Introducing the TI LaunchPad Platform
MSP430 LaunchPad MSP432 LaunchPad CC3200 Wifi LaunchPad |
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To hack your Hub...
Download and install the free Energia software to your Mac or PC.
Go to the Tools menu of your Energia software. If you have installed the latest version (Energia_18), then initially, you will need to go to the Boards Manager and install the MSP432 manager. HOWEVER, I have found some problems using this latest version and prefer to use the previous build (Release 0101E0017) - just scroll down past the instructions to find this. No Board Manager -just select your MSP432 from the Tools > Board menu!
Take note of the >>Installation<< instructions on the download page (just after the latest download links). You will need to install drivers for your platform.
If you have not already done so, connect your Hub via the port labelled Power to your computer using a micro-USB cable, and then select an appropriate port from the Tools > Port menu.
From the File menu, you will select a sketch from either the Examples or SketchBook menus, and send to the Board as instructed in the tutorials that follow.
Remember: You can always reflash your Innovator Hub to return it to its original state, using the tools that TI has made available (just follow the Resources tab, and then "Keep your Innovator up to date"). So it is possible to explore coding the Hub in new ways!
![]() MSP432 LaunchPad with Grove BLE (with and without Grove Base BoosterPack) |
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