Home Live Mathematics and STEM on the Web My First Web Page: Introduction ← Lesson 9


My First Web Page: Lesson 9: JavaScript, STEM and GPS

Create Your Own Live Mathematics and STEM Web Pages

W3Schools.com: Orientation Event

W3Schools.com: Google Maps Basic

Google: Maps Static Overview

Google: Maps Static Developer Guide



Modern devices on all platforms (desktop, tablet and phone) are location aware - and I was amazed at how easy it was to access GPS coordinates using JavaScript. In fact, having students track their own position as they move around the school or between school and home offers some lovely opportunities for deeper learning of a multitude of STEM concepts.

Use the default code to study the relatively simple script required to access the GPS coordinates of your device. It is based upon the W3Schools GeoLocation tutorial.

If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with this utility, please drop me an email!

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Adding All Our Navigation Tools

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Adding GeoGebra to the Mix

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Adding A Google Map

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Add a Heart Rate Monitor?

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Home Live Mathematics and STEM on the Web My First Web Page: IntroductionLesson 9