Continued Fraction Spreadsheet Explorer
This browser-based spreadsheet uses the handsontable JavaScript library.
WolframAlpha: CAS+
Sometimes, to deal with those stubborn, hard to reach problems, you need something stronger!
The powerful Wolfram Alpha online CAS engine will answer almost anything you care to ask - within reason! From the continued fraction of pi to Solve x^2=x+1 to the population of Australia!
GeoGebra offers another fast and accurate CAS alternative. You may also like to explore the GeoGebra web app.
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QR Codes are a great way to share data and information with others, even when no Internet connection is available. Most modern devices either come equipped with QR readers in-built, or freely available.
The default link here is the GXWeb Jigsaws and Quizzes, but you can use it as an alternative to sending your assessment data via email, web or share with others in your class. You can even use it to send your own messages!
GXWeb Jigsaws and Quizzes
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