©2021 Compass Learning TechnologiesLive Mathematics on the WebGXWeb Showcase → GXWeb Algebra Tiles

GXWeb Algebra Tiles

Saltire Software, home of Geometry Expressions and GXWeb

Symbolic computations on this page use Nerdamer Symbolic JavaScript to complement the in-built CAS of GXWeb

Meaningful Algebra with CAS and Exploring Algebra Geometrically

Algebraic Thinking Within a Technology-Rich Learning Environment

GXWeb Games and Challenges.

Explore GXWeb TakTiles





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What does \(2x + 1\) mean to you? What about \(4-3x\) or even \(x^2=x+1\)

What dominant image springs to mind?

Do you see an object or a process?

Do you think of a graph? A table of values?

Students who are successful in algebra tend to have a richer repertoire of images compared to those who do not. As teachers, we need to build these images deliberately and with care.

Concrete manipulatives ("algebra tiles") can be a powerful tool for building deep understanding, and the virtual variety actually offer some major advantages: they explicitly link the shapes to the symbolic form, and they establish that variables are dynamic rather than static things.

Use the tools provided here to explore multiple representations of algebraic forms - algebra tiles, along with graphs, tables of values and, of course, the symbolic form.



Some Concrete Examples

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\(x = \)
0 10

This document requires an HTML5-compliant browser.

Enter algebraic expressions and equations by dragging tiles onto the table above, or using the function boxes below. Then just tap the \(f(x)\) button!

Use the Equation Mode button before dragging the two parts of an equation.

Use the other control buttons to focus on the different representations of your algebraic object (model, table - even musical!).

The CAS Toolkit will help you explore other forms of your object.

About the MathBoxes...

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Why not Listen to your algebra?

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WolframAlpha: CAS+

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More to Explore: The Meaningful Algebra Collection

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Can you see how our concrete algebra models help us to visualise and think about both simple and more interesting algebraic forms?

Continue further along this path by trying some of the assessment activities and explorations from the GXWeb Meaningful Algebra Collection, including:


These activities build practical and interesting algebraic models using real language for their algebraic relationships.



Construct your own Model with GXWeb

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Behind the Scenes

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©2021 Compass Learning TechnologiesLive Mathematics on the WebGXWeb Showcase ← GXWeb Algebra Tiles