©2021 Compass Learning TechnologiesGXWeb Algebra TilesGXWeb Jigsaws and Quizzes → GXWeb TakTiles

GXWeb TakTiles

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Saltire Software, home of Geometry Expressions and GXWeb

Introducing TakTiles

Algebra Through Geometry: Geoff Giles

TakTiles Jigsaw YouTube demonstration

With thanks to Matt Skoss for the introduction and to Phil Todd for the wonderful GXWeb, which makes tools like this possible!

Tak Tiles were designed by Geoff Giles for the DIME (Developments in Mathematics Education) Project. This live web version supports three levels of interaction for students:

  1. Jigsaw Mode: A simple jigsaw puzzle for students to move the pieces into their appropriate positions.

  2. Exploration Mode: Students can select a shape and try dragging \(x\) and \(y\) tiles to match it - with the chance to display the current algebraic expression as they work. They can use check mode to verify their work.

  3. Challenge Mode: Working without a net this time, random tiles are offered, and students try to express each in terms of \(x\) and \(y\) - but without the displayed expression to assist them.

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©2021 Compass Learning TechnologiesGXWeb Algebra TilesGXWeb Jigsaws and Quizzes → GXWeb TakTiles