Home STEM HQ TI-Nspire Authoring TI-Nspire Scripting HQ Scripting Tutorial - Lesson 44


Scripting Tutorial - Lesson 44: Lua Scripting and the TI Innovator™ Hub:

4. Making Music with the Innovator™ Hub

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Scripting for the Innovator Hub: Lesson 4: Making Music with the Innovator™ Hub

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A lovely application of the OneShotTimer involves taking lists of tones and times to play melodies.

In this sampler, a collection of melodies are included at the end of the script, and then the oneShotTimer is used to play these, when they are selected from the menu.


  1. We add some new variables - tempo, key and lists.

    Our menu is now growing substantially with each new set of examples.


  3. No changes, other than adding values to the new variables.

  5. After the previous lesson, this application should be relatively easy to follow, as the time counts down the number of terms in the list.

  7. No changes from that previously defined.


  9. These functions are as previously defined, with just the lists of tones and times added at the end.


-- TI Innovator Init Values

platform.apilevel = '2.7'
local screen = platform.window
local date = "021517"

require 'color'
pcall(function() require 'asi' end)

local isASIavailable = false
local hubStrOn, hubStrOff, msgStr, rxValue, timeStr, delay, repeats

local tempo, key, I
local list1, list2, index, dataList = {}, {}, {}, {}
var.store("index", index)
var.store("dataList", dataList)

function addMsg(input)

msgStr = input


function on.construction()

--the next three lines are required for Hub connection


{" ©2017 Compass Learning Technologies", function() end},
{" Version "..date, function() end},
{" Contact: steve@compasstech.com.au ", function() end},
{"Scan and Connect", function() TI_Innovator.connect() end},
{"Disconnect", function() TI_Innovator.disconnect() on.resize() end},
{"RESET", function() on.resize() end},
{"SET Samples",
{"SET LIGHT ON/OFF (default)", function() hubStrOn = "SET LIGHT ON" hubStrOff = "SET LIGHT OFF" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) end},
{"SET COLOR.RED ON/OFF", function() hubStrOn = "SET COLOR.RED ON" hubStrOff = "SET COLOR.RED OFF" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) end},
{"SET COLOR.GREEN ON/OFF", function() hubStrOn = "SET COLOR.GREEN ON" hubStrOff = "SET COLOR.GREEN OFF" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) end},
{"SET COLOR.BLUE ON/OFF", function() hubStrOn = "SET COLOR.BLUE ON" hubStrOff = "SET COLOR.BLUE OFF" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) end},
{"SET SOUND 220 5", function() hubStrOn = "SET SOUND 220 5" hubStrOff = "SET SOUND 0 1" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) end},
{"SET SPEAKER 1 220 5", function() hubStrOn = "SET SPEAKER 1 220 5" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT SPEAKER 1 OUT1") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) hubStrOff = "SET SPEAKER 1 0 1" end},
{"SET LED 1 ON", function() hubStrOn = "SET LED 1 ON" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT LED 1 OUT1") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) hubStrOff = "SET LED 1 0FF" end},
{"SET SERVO 1 CW 50 5", function() TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT SERVO 1 OUT3") hubStrOn = "SET SERVO 1 CW 50 5" hubStrOff = "SET SERVO 1 CW 50 0" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) end},
{"SET ANALOG.OUT 1 100", function() hubStrOn = "SET ANALOG.OUT 1 100" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT ANALOG.OUT 1 OUT1") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) hubStrOff = "SET ANALOG.OUT 1 0" end},
{"SET DIGITAL.OUT 1 ON", function() hubStrOn = "SET DIGITAL.OUT 1 ON" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT DIGITAL.OUT 1 OUT1") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) hubStrOff = "SET DIGITAL.OUT 1 0FF" end},
}, {"READ Samples",
{"READ BRIGHTNESS (default)", function() hubStrOn = "READ BRIGHTNESS" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) TI_Innovator.Read() msgStr = rxValue or hubStrOn end},
{"READ RANGER 1", function() hubStrOn = "READ RANGER 1" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT RANGER 1 IN1") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) TI_Innovator.Read() msgStr = rxValue or hubStrOn end},
{"READ DHT 1", function() hubStrOn = "READ DHT 1" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT DHT 1 IN1") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) TI_Innovator.Read() msgStr = rxValue or hubStrOn end},
{"READ ACCEL 1", function() hubStrOn = "READ ACCEL 1" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT ACCEL 1 I2C") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) TI_Innovator.Read() msgStr = rxValue or hubStrOn end},
{"READ BAROMETER", function() hubStrOn = "READ BAROMETER" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT BAROMETER I2C") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) TI_Innovator.Read() msgStr = rxValue or hubStrOn end},
{"READ ANALOG.IN 1", function() hubStrOn = "READ ANALOG.IN 1" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT ANALOG.IN 1 IN1") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) TI_Innovator.Read() hubStrOff = hubStrOn end},
{"READ DIGITAL.IN 1", function() hubStrOn = "READ DIGITAL.IN 1" TI_Innovator.Send("CONNECT DIGITAL.IN 1 IN1") TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) TI_Innovator.Read() hubStrOff = hubStrOn end},
{"Select Sound",
{"C4", function() hubStrOn = "SET SOUND 262 TIME 1" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) hubStrOff = "SET SOUND 0 1" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"A4", function() hubStrOn = "SET SOUND 440 TIME 1" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) hubStrOff = "SET SOUND 0 1" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"C5", function() hubStrOn = "SET SOUND 523 TIME 1" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) hubStrOff = "SET SOUND 0 1" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"No tone", function() hubStrOn = "SET SOUND 0 TIME 1" TI_Innovator.Send(hubStrOn) hubStrOff = "SET SOUND 0 1" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"Aliens (sample)", function() tempo = 1000 I=1 list1 = notes_aliens list2 = times_aliens playTone(list1,list2) hubStrOff = "Aliens" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"BallGame (sample)", function() tempo = 1000 I=1 list1 = notes_bgame list2 = times_bgame playTone(list1,list2) hubStrOff = "Take me out to the Ball Game" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"Happy Birthday (sample)", function() tempo = 1000 I=1 list1 = notes_bday list2 = times_bday playTone(list1,list2) hubStrOff = "Happy Birthday" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"If I Only Had a Brain (sample)", function() tempo = 4000 I=1 list1 = notes_brain list2 = times_brain playTone(list1,list2) hubStrOff = "If I only had a brain" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"Fur Elise (sample)", function() tempo = 1000 I=1 list1 = notes_elise list2 = times_elise playTone(list1,list2) hubStrOff = "Fur Elise" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"Home on the Range (sample)", function() tempo = 1000 I=1 list1 = notes_home list2 = times_home playTone(list1,list2) hubStrOff = "Home on the Range" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"Well-tempered Scale", function() tempo = 1000 I=1 list1 = notes_welltemp list2 = times_scale playTone(list1,list2) hubStrOff = "Well tempered scale" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"Harmonic Scale", function() tempo = 1000 I=1 list1 = notes_harmonic list2 = times_scale playTone(list1,list2) hubStrOff = "Harmonic scale" msgStr = hubStrOff end},
{"TIMER Samples",
{"wait(5)", function() wait(5) end},
{"blink(5,1)", function() blink(5,1) end},
{"alarm(5,0.5)", function() alarm(5,0.5) end},



We can add a whole extra dimension to our sound exploration by including a keyboard. Check out problem 2 of the supporting document for this lesson and you will find a Lua keyboard that lets you create your own Innovator music!

There are also options to explore some of the interesting applications of the harmonic mean to creating alternative tunings, as developed in Mathematics: A Search for Harmony.

It may be of interest to note that this same document will work with both the TI Innovator Hub and with the TI-Nspire iPad Apps using BLE (BlueTooth Low Energy) and the TI MSP432 LaunchPad. Use the free Energia software to flash the attached sketch to the LaunchPad via USB, then follow the guides outlined in LaunchPad lessons LP5 and LP6.

Next we have a bit of fun and build our very own Innovator Robot!


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Home STEM HQ TI-Nspire Authoring TI-Nspire Scripting HQ Scripting Tutorial - Lesson 44