Stephen ARNOLD
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TI-Nspire Support Materials


TI-83/84 Support Materials

Getting Started...

Overviews of the new tools

  • Integrating Technology Years 5-8: Graphic Calculators in the Middle School
    What is the one thing that no school these days can have enough of? Surely, for most schools, both Primary and Secondary, that would be true of computers. With new developments in hand-held technology over the past twelve months, however, the dream of having technology in the hands of every student may not be so far away. Even the prospect of having portable computer rooms for the cost of only three or four computers is now a very real and affordable possibility. The demands of the new NSW K-10 syllabus documents regarding the use of technology by all students make such considerations imperative.
  • Technology and General Mathematics? Mad if you don't!
    This workshop is based upon a talk presented at the Mathematical Association of New South Wales Annual Conference in 2002. It describes ways in which I have used graphic calculators to their full advantage in the teaching of the NSW General Mathematics course.
  • Cross-Curricular Graphic Calculators: Tools for All Tastes
    A quiet revolution is occurring in classroom technology, as graphic calculators become more like handheld computers than calculators. Word processing, spreadsheeting and a growing range of high-quality software applications are transforming these tools, and schools may soon find that technology for every student in every class is closer than you think!

You may also be interested in this short review of some wonderful Apps for mathematics which are freely available from Detached Solutions. They even make it possible to add basic symbolic algebra capabilities to the TI-83 Plus.

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