TI-Nspire Support Materials
TI-83/84 Support Materials
- Integrating Technology in the Middle School: Graphic Calculators Years 5-8
This detailed teacher guide features step-by-step instructions for using the many appropriate tools across the middle school years, and includes over 30 classroom learning activities. Suitable for both beginners and experienced users, this book is an essential resource for every school seeking new ways to include technology in their teaching and learning.
Download in PDF format (485KB) or in MS Word format (zipped, 142K).
- Integrating Technology in the Senior School: Non-Calculus Mathematics
The non-calculus options covered in this book include Finance, Data and Algebraic Modelling, as well as practical Measurement and Chance and Data components. This support book, with 64 pages and over 30 classroom activities, provides clear guidance for teachers in maximizing the benefits of technology in the teaching and learning of such a course. Based on practical classroom experience, this book links content and outcomes to specific aspects of the technology, including spreadsheet, data logging and interactive geometry applications.
Download in PDF format (570KB) or in MS Word format (zipped, 175KB).
(These are the same two books with content and outcome references specific to NSW)
- Integrating Technology in the Middle School: Implementing the NSW K-10 Syllabus Stage 4
Adapted specifically to the new New South Wales K-10 Mathematics Syllabus, to be implemented in Years 7 and 8 in 2004, this guide links syllabus content and outcomes directly to available technology. It features step-by-step instructions for using the many appropriate tools, and includes over 30 classroom learning activities. Suitable for both beginners and experienced users, this book is an essential resource for every New South Wales school seeking to programme for the new syllabus, and to find new ways to include technology in their teaching and learning.
Download in PDF format (509KB) or in MS Word format (zipped, 148KB).
- Integrating Technology in the NSW General Mathematics Course
The NSW General Mathematics course is a non-calculus course with strong emphasis upon Finance, Statistics and Algebraic Modelling, as well as practical Measurement and Chance and Data components. This support book, with 64 pages and over 30 classroom activities, provides clear guidance for teachers in maximizing the benefits of technology in the teaching and learning of this course. Based on practical classroom experience, this book links syllabus content and outcomes to specific aspects of the technology, including spreadsheet, data logging and interactive geometry applications.
Download in PDF format (570KB) or in MS Word format (zipped, 175KB).
- Looking Around the 83 Plus
An introduction to the main features of the TI-83 Plus calculator using a range of classroom activities.
- Getting Started with Probability and Statistics
The power of the graphic calculator is not restricted to graphing and calculus. This workshop explores some of the wonderful facilities for statistical representation and interpretation, as well as introducing some common probability distributions in the context of classroom activities, suitable for senior students.
- Getting Started with DataLogging
Ten simple classroom activities which introduce the main function types (linear, quadratic, hyperbolic, exponential and trigonometric) using motion, light, temperature and microphone probes. If you have been looking for a place to start, this is it!
- Getting Started with Interactive Geometry
Some classroom activities designed to get you and your students investigating the wonders of interactive geometry.
- Getting Started with CAS
As a result of steady research and practice using computer algebra tools over recent years it seems likely that the time is fast approaching when we might expect their use, at least in senior classrooms, to become widespread. It is timely to consider their capabilities and applications, and to begin to make use of these exciting mathematical assistants, perhaps initially as tools for teaching, before they may be more widely accepted as tools for learning. Using the new generation of handheld computer algebra systems (with accompanying viewscreen facilities), it is certainly nice to be able to walk into any mathematics class at any level and be able to respond immediately to almost any question which may come up in discussion.
- CAS in the Classroom: Some Issues and Approaches
The questions and issues associated with best use of such powerful tools remain current and significant. This paper considers some of the topical questions related to the classroom use of computer algebra systems, and proposes some approaches which may prove useful for teachers in implementing their use effectively.
- Getting Started with Calculus
A series of detailed classroom activities which introduce the key ideas of calculus using numerical, graphical and algebraic methods. As well as extensive use of graphing and list capabilities of the TI-83 Plus, these activities also offer guidelines for some applications of computer algebra for concept and skill development.
- Getting Started with TI InterActive!
This extraordinary software tool may well be a mathematics and science teacher's best friend, offering the capabilities of a word processor, equation editor AND a full-featured graphics calculator (including computer algebra)! This program not only makes it easy to present your mathematics clearly - it will do the mathematics as well! Add a full-featured spreadsheet and its own web browser, and you realise that this is the tool you have been waiting a long time for.
- Getting Started with SpreadSheets
Introducing the main features of the CellSheet App, bringing the power of the spreadsheet into the hands of students, in classroom and at home.
- Middle School Lessons using Technology
Graphic calculators in upper primary and junior secondary classrooms? Who would have thought?
These four classroom-tested lesson plans take teachers and students step-by-step through exciting ways to create technology-rich learning environments for the study of space, number and data. Why would you not use such powerful and yet easy-to-use tools in your classroom?
- A Technology-rich Introduction to Algebra
This workshop outlines a technology-rich introduction to early algebra, in which students move from number (using tables of values) to symbolic forms and on to equation solving.
- Introducing and Investigating Gradient with Technology
This workshop describes an introduction to the study of gradient which makes full use of the many wonderful tools for interactive learning now available with the TI-83 Plus.
- Some things to think about: Investigating Functions and Graphs
This is a collection of rich and powerful discussion starters. A few require at least an introduction to calculus; most just require careful thinking and a good grasp of functions. These have always made my students think!
Overviews of the new tools
You may also be interested in this short review of some wonderful Apps for mathematics which are freely available from Detached Solutions. They even make it possible to add basic symbolic algebra capabilities to the TI-83 Plus.
- Integrating Technology Years 5-8: Graphic Calculators in the Middle School
What is the one thing that no school these days can have enough of? Surely, for most schools, both Primary and Secondary, that would be true of computers. With new developments in hand-held technology over the past twelve months, however, the dream of having technology in the hands of every student may not be so far away. Even the prospect of having portable computer rooms for the cost of only three or four computers is now a very real and affordable possibility. The demands of the new NSW K-10 syllabus documents regarding the use of technology by all students make such considerations imperative.
- Technology and General Mathematics? Mad if you don't!
This workshop is based upon a talk presented at the Mathematical Association of New South Wales Annual Conference in 2002. It describes ways in which I have used graphic calculators to their full advantage in the teaching of the NSW General Mathematics course.
- Cross-Curricular Graphic Calculators: Tools for All Tastes
A quiet revolution is occurring in classroom technology, as graphic calculators become more like handheld computers than calculators. Word processing, spreadsheeting and a growing range of high-quality software applications are transforming these tools, and schools may soon find that technology for every student in every class is closer than you think!
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