Review of Complex Numbers

Complex Number Exercises

  1. (1993 Q2 c, e)

    (c) Find the equation, in Cartesian form, of the locus of the point z if

    (e) Let P, Q and R represent the complex numbers w1, w2and w3 respectively. What geometric properties characterise triangle PQR if

    Give reasons for your answer.

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  3. (1995 Q2d)

    The diagram shows a complex plane with origin O. The points P and Q represent arbitrary non-zero complex numbers z and w respectively. Thus the length of PQ is |z - w |.

    (i) Copy the diagram, and use it to show that

    (ii) Construct the point R representing z + w. What can be said about the quadrilateral OPRQ?

    (iii) If |z - w | = |z + w |, what can be said about the complex number ?

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  5. (1991 Q2d)

    In the Argand diagram, ABCD is a square, and OE and OF are parallel and equal in length to AB and AD respectively. The vertices A and B correspond to the complex numbers w1 and w2 respectively.

    (i) Explain why the point E corresponds to w2 - w1.

    (ii) What complex number corresponds to the point F?

    (iii) What complex number corresponds to the vertex D?

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  7. z1 and z2 are two complex numbers such that

    (i) On an Argand diagram show vectors representing

    (ii) Show that

    (iii) If a is the angle between the vectors representing z1 and z2 show that

    (iv) Show that

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  9. On an Argand diagram the point A represents the real number 1, 0 is the origin, and the point P represents the complex number z which satisfies the condition

    (i) Show this information on a diagram and deduce that triangle OAP is isosceles.

    (ii) deduce that the locus of P is the union of a circle and part of a straight line, and show this locus on your diagram.

    (iii) Find z in mod-arg form if z also satisfies the condition

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  11. z1 and z2 are two complex numbers such that | z1 | = | z2 | and 0 < arg z1 < arg z2 < Pi/2. On an Argand diagram vectors OP and OQ represent z1 and z2 respectively. Angle QOP = Pi/3 and OPRQ is a parallelogram.

    (i) Draw a diagram to show this information.

    (ii) Find the value of

    (iii) Show that

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  13. If

    show that

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  15. Find the locus of z if

    is (i) purely imaginary.

    (ii) purely real.

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  17. If z is a point on the unit circle with arg z = a

    (i) prove that

    (ii) find the arguments of

    in terms of a.

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  19. (1970 Q9(iii))

    The four complex numbers are represented on the complex (Argand) plane by the points A, B, C, D respectively.

    determine the possible shape(s) for the quadrilateral ABCD.

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  21. E is the centre of a square ABCD lettered anticlockwise on the Argand diagram. E and A are the points -2 + i and 1 + 5i respectively.

    Find the complex numbers represented by the points B, C and D.

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All care but no responsibility taken with these solutions. Comments, corrections and suggestions would all be most welcome: send to Stephen Arnold.

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