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Quick Start: Making things appear and disappear using Conditions
One of the nicest new features introduced in OS 3.2 for authoring was the addition of conditions for Graphs & Geometry objects. Making objects behave the way you want them to - appear, disappear, change color and more - has never been easier.
In this simple example, we will have text boxes appear to indicate the quadrant as a point is dragged around the screen. Begin by inserting a Graphs page and, to make things easy to see, turn on a grid (menu > View > Grid and choose either dotted or lined).
"Click here for a video demonstration"
Create a point: Use menu > Geometry > Points & Lines > Point On. Click at any grid point to drop the point (initially you might place it in Quadrant 1).
Store Coordinates as Variables: Right-click (ctrl-menu on the handheld) and choose Coordinates & Equations. Right-click on the x value and choose Store: type (px). Store the y value as py.
Create a TextBox: Choose menu > Actions > Text. Click in Quadrant 1 and type "Quadrant 1".
Define Conditions for the TextBox: Right-click on the text box and choose 9: Conditions. In the first text box, labelled "Show when" type "px > 0 and py > 0". Choose OK to dismiss the box.
Now grab and drag the point around - the text will be visible only when the point lies in the first quadrant! What could be simpler?
Repeat these steps for the remaining quadrants. You may choose the vary the line color of the text for each quadrant by entering different values between 0 and 15 in the line color text box.
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