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MathView OnLine Help

The LiveMath OnLine plug-in (formerly MathView/Theorist) provides your web browser (Netscape v2 or later and the Microsoft Internet Explorer) with the functionality of a demo version of LiveMath. You cannot create or edit LiveMath notebooks, but you can embed them within a web page and read them interactively. To find out more, read the introduction to LiveMath.

Using a notebook

LiveMath notebooks are collapsible, which means that work can be hidden or displayed as you choose. Look for comment bubbles with dots underneath, like this No support for LM Objects These indicate that more is hidden underneath. To expose this, just double click on the comment bubble. Double click again to hide it.

Notebooks are also interactive. You can select and change any of the entries, words as well as mathematics. Try changing the text message above: select the message by dragging with the mouse, and then simply type in your new message. When you come back to this page next time, however, the original entry will still be there: your changes are not saved.

Entering mathematics

Enter mathematical symbols easily using LiveMath. Type 2 x - 3, not 2*x - 3 (the SPACE stands for multiply). When you type a left parenthesis, both automatically appear. Create powers (indices) using the ^ key (shift-6), and fractions using the / key. To return to the normal setting from a power or a fraction, use the ESCape key or just click with the mouse after your last entry.

Some useful special symbols you might use are the square root symbol (backslash:\) and the differential operator (option-6). You can also create the definite integral notation with COMMAND-J.

You might like to try these now, No support for LM Objects or use one of the worksheets available.

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