HomeTI-Nspire NSW Resources → Geometry



  1. Cones and Witches' Hats

  2. Exploring Quadrilaterals

  3. Isometric Grid and 3D shapes

  4. Proof Without Words


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Steve Arnold

Cones and Witch's Hats

From a sheet of cardboard 40 cm square, I need to make a conical witches hat for my child's party. If we assume she has a circular head of diameter 14 cm, what is the tallest hat I can make?

Assume I will make the cone by cutting a sector from a circle: what angle must I make this sector?

Surface Area and Volume MS5.2.2

Applies formulae to find the surface area of right cylinders and volume of right pyramids, cones and spheres, and calculates the surface area and volume of composite solids

Steve Arnold

Exploring Quadrilaterals

Drag the verices of a quadrilateral and build the different types; focus on the properties of these different figures, and finally put it all together to identify different quadrilaterals from their properties.

Properties of Geometrical Figures SGS4.3

Classifies, constructs, and determines the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals


Determines properties of triangles and quadrilaterals using deductive reasoning

Steve Arnold

Isometric Grid and 3D shapes

Using isometric grids, students build 3D shapes from different views, and build front, side and top views from given 3D shapes.

Properties of Solids SGS4.1

Describes and sketches three-dimensional solids including polyhedra, and classifies them in terms of their properties

Steve Arnold

Proof without Words

Several nice constructions which illustrate some important geometric results.

Deductive Geometry SGS5.3.1

Constructs arguments to prove geometrical results

Steve Arnold and Lewis Lum


Explore geometry using this version of the classic LOGO Turtle Graphics language.

Properties of Geometrical Figures SGS4.3

Classifies, constructs, and determines the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals

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