©2023 Compass Learning TechnologiesGXWeb Polygon Playground → GXWeb Polygon Construction


GXWeb Polygon Constructions

GXWeb from Saltire Software is a free, browser-based dynamic geometry tool with two great features: it is constraint-based and built upon a computer algebra foundation.

Constraint-based makes geometric construction very easy: to model Pythagoras’ Theorem, for example, just use the segment tool to construct ANY triangle, then select two sides and make them right-angled!

The computer algebra foundation means that not only can we construct models with numeric lengths and angles, but we can give symbolic values and GXWeb will take care of the general calculations.

These two examples illustrate these features. Have a close look at them, and then try them yourself using GXWeb!


Polygon Construction 1

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Polygon Construction 2

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3.3104 0 13.242

App generated by Geometry Expressions

  1. Begin with a square ABCD, and mark the center point (4).

    Note that the side length (AB) of the square will also be the side length of each subsequent polygon.

  2. Draw an arc of radius AB from a vertex of the square, and mark the point (6) such that the segment (46) is perpendicular to the base.

  3. Bisect the segment 46 (point 5). Use this distance 45 to continue placing the center points of subsequent polygons above.

All the ingredients are now in place: construct a circle at each of the center points, and then step around each circle in steps of length AB!

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Construct your own Model with GXWeb

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©2023 Compass Learning Technologies→ GXWeb Polygon Playground⇒ GXWeb Polygon Construction