Home TI-Nspire Authoring TI-Nspire Scripting HQ Scripting Tutorial - Lesson 19


Scripting Tutorial - Lesson 19: Guidelines for Lua Nspired Authoring I

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WORKING ACROSS PLATFORMS (Create Once Play Everywhere)

So now you plan to create your own documents using Lua and TI-Nspire?

Whether professionally or for your own students, it is important that the documents you create offer the optimal experience for the user. In the end, the primary intent is to create an effective learning experience, and this will not happen if design and usability issues get between the user and the lesson content.

The guidelines described in this and the following tutorial are proposed as useful considerations which should serve to ensure that your documents will work well, wherever they are used.

The two critical variables described here concern the way that documents present across the various TI-Nspire platforms (design and display considerations - Lesson 19) and usability issues (Lesson 20) - ensuring that the document will be as easy and effective to use on the handheld as it is in the Player or in the desktop software - or anywhere else!


1. Display Considerations: Looking Good Everywhere!

The primary consideration when creating Lua Nspire documents is to ensure that, whether viewing in handheld or computer mode, whether on Player, PublishView or other platforms, that the document scales correctly and that the user experience is effective. A key advantage in the use of Lua documents over those created using native TI-Nspire functionality lies in the potential guarantee that, correctly scripted, such documents will read and present effectively in all possible views. In spite of substantial efforts in this respect, native Nspire apps (especially Graphs & Geometry) remain difficult to control in this respect.

The Math Nspired document for Arcs and Sectors offers a nice illustration of this point. The first two images show a page from the original file: first in handheld view (nice!) and then in computer view (yuk!). This is followed by a Lua conversion of this page (thanks to John Hanna!), again in handheld and then computer view. The other advantage of the Lua document is that the point moving around the circumference of the circle can be controlled simply by pressing the arrow keys - no need to arrow around the screen, trying to grab and move points on the handheld, but equally effective using the mouse in computer view. This will be the focus of further discussion in Lesson 20.


There is one fundamental golden rule: All size and position references must be relative to the screen size. NEVER use absolute values for position or size, even initially, since these will most likely work fine in one view and badly in others.


In Lesson 20, we continue this discussion of useful guidelines and principles, considering usability considerations which help to optimize the user experience, particularly when using the handheld, but applicable to other platforms as well.

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Home TI-Nspire Authoring TI-Nspire Scripting HQ Scripting Tutorial - Lesson 19