Stephen ARNOLD
HomeOnLine Maths Resources →The Beach Race

the beach race

Learning Objectives

  1. Interpret the variables involved in using some simple non-linear functions to model situations and make related predictions.
  2. Use known formulas to develop, apply and interpret new relationships.
  3. [Calculus Extension, if appropriate] Apply the differential calculus to find the minimum value of a function.

A beach race begins from a point, 6 km out to sea from one end of a 9 km beach. Racers must swim to a point along the beach, and then run to the finish line. If I can swim at 3 km/h and run at 12 km/h, to what point on the beach should I aim to land?

In this task, you will attempt to find the landing point for which the time of the race will be as short as possible.

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  • 1. Drag point C to find the landing position which will result in the LONGEST time for the race. [LO1]

  • 2. There are two landing points which will result in a race time of approximately 2.75 hours. One of these is to swim directly to the point O and then run the full length of the beach (swimming the shortest possible distance). Drag the point C to find the other landing point which will result in a 2.75 hour race. [LO1]

  • 3. I can swim at 3 km/h. In my training, I swam 12 kilometres. How long did that take me? [LO2]

  • 4. If we let OC = x kilometres, then find an expression for the distance BC (my swim distance) in terms of x. [LO1]

    swimdistance(x) =  

  • 5. Now find an expression for the distance AC (my run distance) in terms of x. [LO1]

    rundistance(x) =  

  • 6. Use these expressions to build an algebraic model for the times for the race, in terms of the distance OC = x: [LO2]

    swimtime(x) =

      runtime(x) =

      racetime(x) =

  • 7. Finally, plot the derivative of this RaceTime(x) function to locate the best place to land: [LO3]

    Derivative of RaceTime(x) =  

  • 8. The best place to land occurs when x =

  • 9. [EXTENSION 1]: The slider at the bottom of the applet window allows control of the swimspeed and runspeed - or, rather, the ratio of swimspeed to runspeed. Suppose we describe runspeed = k*swimspeed, what restrictions might realistically be placed upon the value of k for this problem situation?

  • 10. [EXTENSION 2]: For what value of k would my ideal landing place be exactly halfway along the beach (i.e. OC = AC = 4.5 km)?


Steve Arnold, with thanks to Mike May S.J. for his JavaScripting. 24/03/2008, Created with GeoGebra

For comments & suggestions, please e-mail Steve Arnold.

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