Cabri Java Compatibility


Java 1.1 applications or applets do not run on the majority of platforms.

Currently, there are three major versions of the Java API: version 1.0, version 1.1 and recently version 2. Most web browsers, including Netscape and Microsoft's Internet Explorer, have support for Java 1.0. However, your web browser might not support Java 1.1. If you want to run a CabriJava applet, ensure that you use a Java 1.1 compliant browser.

Check your browser :

You must determine if your browser is :

  1. CabriJava Compliant Browsers
  2. CabriJava Not Compliant Browsers

Cabri Java Compliant Browsers

If your current browser is in the table below in a green cell :

No problem, you can run the demo.

If your current browser is in the table below in a orange cell :

Some problem, you can run the demo with limited functionalities.


MS Internet Explorer


Sun HotJava


Microsoft Windows

Windows 3.x

Internet Explorer 4.5/5.0

No Support

No Support

No Support

Windows 95/98

Internet Explorer 4.5/5.0/5.5

Communicator 6.0

HotJava 1.1.4/1.1.5/3.0

No Support

Windows NT 3.51

Internet Explorer 4.5/5.0/5.5

Communicator 6.0

No Support

No Support

Windows NT 4

Internet Explorer 4.5/5.0/5.5

Communicator 6.0

HotJava 1.1.4/1.1.5/3.0

No Support


OS 7.6.1 or later (68k)

Internet Explorer 4.5

No Support

No Support

No Support

OS 7.6.1 or later (PPC)

Internet Explorer 4.5/5.0 with Apple MRJ 2.2.5

No Support

HotJava 3.0 with Apple MRJ 2.2.5

iCab 2.5 preview with Apple MRJ 2.2.5



Internet Explorer 4.5

Navigator 4.06/7/8 Communicator 4.5/4.6

HotJava 3.0, Solaris 2.5/2.6, CDE

No Support

IRIX 6.2

No Support

No Support

No Support

No Support

HP UX 10

Internet Explorer 4.5

No Support

No Support

No Support

AIX 4.1

No Support

No Support

No Support

No Support


No Support

Communicator 4.7

HotJava 3.0

No Support


To be determined

To be determined

To be determined

To be determined

Proceed to CabriJava Demo

Return to try demo applet

Cabri Java Not Compliant Browsers

If your current browser is in this table :

Install an other browser if :

  • Your browser definitly does not support Java 1.1 applets.
  • Your browser uses an old version of Java 1.1, such as 1.1.1 (the required version is 1.1.8). These old versions of Java 1.1 are experiencing problems running Java applets.

  • Table

    NCSA Mosaic, Opera, WebTV Browsers, Lynx, Prodigy Classic, WebView 2.0, Nokia-Communicator, WebEmacs, NetPositive,...

    Java known bugs

  • If you operate this demo from an older computer, please be extremely patient !
  • Java is CPU- and RAM-hungry.
  • In most cases Java lives up its claims of platform independence.

  • Cabri Java Project - version 1.0.1 - 07/14/2001